Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a blue tooth problem on motorola v3?

when somone tries to send me a file their phone cant find mine and when i try to search for other phones i get a message saying my phone is connected to another blue tooth device i have tried deleting all pairings and i have tried turning off the blue tooth( wont seem to let me) what else can i try

I have a blue tooth problem on motorola v3?
Go to an o2 shop and let them sort it out thats what thy are ther for
Reply:I think maybe your BT facing come problems! So try to get back to the seller!
Reply:I dunno but me and my sis both have the same phone as you and ours have exactly the same problem..think its time to buy a new phone??
Reply:Blue tooth problem____________Lay off the Blue Gatorade and try Colgate extra white formula toothpaste!
Reply:make sure all the phone settings are set to o2 for examole your wap mms etc take out your battery and sim then reinsert first then set all settings to o2 ( this should not be a prob as bt and o2 where the same company before and are partners)go to settings click on blue tooth then to set up click on find me this will come up discoverable for 60seconds i suggest your friends is near by at this time then let her phone search for you and send you something via blutooth you willl prob see that her device is then in your history if so select automatic for her device it,s a pain but on these phones it the only way sometimes as when you go to search devices it can not find even when the phones are side by side i had to keep selecting find me as it is only discoverable for 1min then we paired all the phones to automatic if you have any more problems go into an o2 store and ask them or go on the motorola website and ask there
Reply:best change the phone

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